
We make this site to entertaint children on all age and adult too. The picture we post on this site are safe for all age even for adult picture. We used as we know, the image are for non-comercial personal use. Some picture are taken on other site with the original link.We also like contribution from visitor to send their picture on this blog.
About the ads are just our way to keep our bill for the internet to keep online.We are sorry about that.If we find other way We will remove the ads.

Hopefully all the picture are not copyrighted, but if You find, one of our picture are copyrighted and You are the copyrighted owner and You want the picture removed from our site please let us know by email us at : Skyleptic@gmail.com. Please do within the email include the name of the picture and the link to the original source. After We know You are the true owner We willl remove the picture immediately


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